As you all know and as I've mentioned in a couple of posts back, I've recently moved houses. In my bedroom in this new place, I've been stuck with two small windows that give off almost zero natural light. Now whilst this is an advantage to Beez and I on the weekends when trying to sleep in, unfortunately it's been a struggle for me to apply my makeup. I am a lover of all things makeup as you all know. The products, the application of it etc. So when I wasn't getting the natural light I needed and down lights in the bedroom weren't helping either, I was in a pickle.
Luckily I have an amazing fiancé who is truly a handyman and agreed to build me my lights. So off we went to IKEA to buy a mirror, two strips of lights and light bulbs (among other household things we couldn't help but purchase for the new house).
Shoutout to our good friend John for saving Beez the hassle and figuring out the electrical side for us.
I hope you enjoy this quick little vlog - and have a Merry Christmas! I will most definitely be vlogging throughout the holidays and making the most of what's left of the year with my beautiful family.
'Til next time.